Monday, July 2, 2007

Some pre-travel reflections

Must say I'm a little surprised about how expensive European travel is this year. I think I'm paying more for my flight than I ever have. And the quaint hotels in Sicily that I was sure would be cheap are not (and we're not staying in anything fancy). The Euro is still beating the Dollar, but not oppressively so (it was worse when I was there a couple of years ago) I'm not sure why the cost spike. But it ain't stopping me. (Nor are the unfortunate and sudden cancellations of something like half of Leslie's students.) Life's too short, or in the Roman vernacular, Tempus Fugit and Carpe Diem and all that stuff.

Since I'm giving you a head start--nearly a month before my trip begins--feel free to offer your travel recommendations (especially if anyone knows anyone who knows any must-eat Italo or Greco restaurant, do share).

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